Saturday, January 29, 2011


Title: Pathfinder
Author: Orson Scott Card

Pathfinder was a really great book.  It was a longer book but was still a fairly quick read.  Pathfinder is about a young boy named Rigg.  Rigg has the strange ability to see the paths of where people and animals have been in any time period.  Rigg lives with his father in the woods on a planet called Garden.  Rigg and his father are hunters, they use Riggs ability to find the paths that animals use the most and set their traps.  While they are walking through the forest Riggs father teaches him about everything.  It is during one of these lessons that Riggs adventure begins.  Rigg has been given the impossible task to find his father, the only person Rigg knows who does not have a path.  Rigg must find his father without using his gift.  When Rigg finally finds him, his father is pinned under a tree dying. When Rigg tries to get closer his father tells him to stay where he is and listen to his instructions.  He tells Rigg to take the furs they gathered to the city and trade them for money, then he tells him to find his sister who is in Aressa Sessamo, the capital city of their wallfold. 

Rigg obeys his father and leaves.  On his way to the city he sees a young boy who is about to fall of a cliff.  While Rigg is trying to save him, one of the paths in front of him suddenly solidify into a real person.  This makes him unable to save the young boy.  After this event his journey really begins.  Rigg is accused of murdering the boy but with the help of  one of his fathers friends he escapes.  On his journey Rigg meets many new people and has many interesting adventures but eventually makes it to his destination, only to find out that him and his sister must leave. 

This book was really interesting and I would recommend it to everyone.  It was full of action and extremely interesting.  I really loved how it had another story at the beginning of each chapter. I am not going to tell you what that story was about so if you want to find out read the book.


Tracy said...

Wow! This book sounds pretty intense! I have to put it on my list to read:) Thanks for the review.

Michele said...

You can never go wrong with Orson Scott Card! Have you read Ender's Game? I loved it!