Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Title: Compound
Author: S A Bodeen
                This book was a quick, easy read because it's one of those books you just can't put down.  The book starts by telling the story of Eli's life and how he and his family come to live in the compound.  The compound was built by Eli's father in case of a nuclear war.  Eli and the rest of his family, except for his twin brother Eddy and his Grandmother, have lived in the compound for six years.  Eli is now 15 and is realizing that the supply of food that his father had so carefully planned was running out.  Along with the low food supply Eli also finds out that his father might be lying to them about the nuclear attack, along with many other things.  After having a lot of adventures inside the compound, Eli finds out the true reason his father brought them to the compound and tries to escape. 
                This book was a very compelling read.  Bodeen's writing and character development played an important role in the development of the story.  The whole book was really great and the ending left me hopeful for a sequel.  I greatly enjoyed this book and would recommend it to everyone.

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