Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cry, the Beloved Country

I recently finished Cry, the Beloved Country for school.  This was one of the best books I have ever read.  The book is set in South Africa and is about the journey of two old men.  I can't tell you what they are searching for because that would ruin the book for some of you.  Alan Paton was an acitvist for change, not an author.  He wrote the book to bring about a change in society, one for both the whites and the natives.  One of the main themes in the novel is fear.  One of the quotes from the books that I really like is about fear.  It talks about the "fear of bondage, and the bondage of fear".  I love this quote and love that even though this book was written in 1948, it still applies to our society today.  Fear is an epidemic people are afraid to change, afraid to care, afraid to love one another.  Some are in the bondage of fear, while others live in the fear of bondage.  What I love about this book is that Paton doesn't  just leave it at that, he offers a way to overcome our fear he tells readers that in order to overcome the fear in their lives a stronger emotion is needed.  Love is needed to overcome fear.
I would reccomend this book to everyone.  It is such a great book and I learned so much from it.  If you read it I would love to hear what you think.
"It is only as one grows up that one learns that there are other things here than sun and gold and oranges.  It is only then that one learns of the hates and fears of our country.  It is only then that one's love grows deep and passionate, as a man may love a woman who is true, false, cold, loving, cruel and afraid."
                  ~Alan Paton, Cry, the Beloved Country

1 comment:

Michele said...

Thanks for adding yet another great book to my must read list. You just make every book sound so amazing.